Two & two million
E recently turned the big two! Along with the usual cake (a very cool Hey Duggee cake!), candles, helium balloons & laugher the background hum of cystic fibrosis was ever present. On the day E turned two her nebulised antibiotics changed from 1 million units per viral to 2 million. Along with the physio and other meds it was a reminder that E never gets a day off from CF. When E was 14 months old she commenced nebulised antibiotics to fight off a pseudomona . This was also the day she took her first steps - in the comfort of the hospital physio room! She has been on this additional antibiotic for nearly 11 months now. She needs to have a minimum of 6 months clear of growing any pseudomonas before we can stop administering the nebuliser... Eloise had a stupidly good second birthday! Blowing out candles is a good form of physio therapy for the lungs, right? It amazed me how much she understood it was her birthday and she loved every second of her sp...