You've got a friend

We are in full fundraising mode , preparing for our walking challenge to raise money for the CF Trust. This process has required me to expose myself - to tell a wider circle of people about Eloise's CF to enable us raise as much money as possible. Why can it be difficult to tell people, to ask for donations and show the reality of Eloise's life? Three of The Striding Sisters. Our training is in full swing! When Eloise was a baby my attitude towards disclosing her condition changed daily! Some days I measured success by getting through the day and not mentioning CF. I had made it - got through the day without anyone knowing that CF was having a profound impact on our daily lives. Other days I blurted it out & told anyone who would listen. By telling people I was proving to myself that I was okay, coping and in a place where I could talk about it without getting upset. I hope I am more balanced now (although I do have good & not-so- good ...