Post-debate Orkambi activity

The batle for access to Orkambi continues and we've sent our MP another letter asking him to add his name to a different letter which is going to be sent to Jeremy Hunt - the health minister. I've been indulging in a bit of social media campaigning relating to access to Orkambi with this bloke. This is Steve Brine, MP for Winchester and under secretary of state for health. It was Mr Brine who was in the room listining to the access to Orkambi debate on behalf of Government. Paraphrasing his summing up he said: you wanted us to hear, we have heard you and we'll act - something like that anyway. I've been tagging @brineminister in a range of twitter messages relating to CF. I feel he needs to know that CF never takes a day off and I sort of hope that my tagging of him becomes a bit irritating to him for that reason. Whether he reads his own twitter or not I've no Idea, but you'd think his 'people' would flag something like this up to him. Mr B...