She has C-R-E-O-N It is C - Crazily small It is R - rolls everywhere It is E - it's an enzyme It is O on apple We've run out ohhhhhhh N ooooo A new mum is taking her baby out to meet the world, a moment she has been dreaming of for a very long time. The baby girl is a tiny premature baby with very long fingers and the most amazing eye lashes. She can't or won't breast feed so her mum has been getting up every two hours expressing milk and feeding her via a bottle. She takes this loving expressed milk with her on this first magical outing. The baby is snoozing peacefully so her mum pops into a local bar for lunch and right on cue the baby wakes - crying for milk. This new, sleep deprived mum grabs her bag and brings out the following items which make her feel self-conscious and make her feel like she is portraying the image of a bad mum: a bottle of milk ...