Protest to survive!

I don't want to make this a political blog but, I'm compelled to point this out. Today, dozens of people have taken to the streets to campaign for access to a drug for some CF patients. Hours of planning, effort, media relations, interviews led by the CF Trust. Putting an economic value on something so potentially life-changing is obscene but, for those inclined, the cost is around £120,000 per annum, per patient. A lot of money, yes. The powers that be have declined access to the drug on cost / value grounds. Also today, our government has found an extra £1bn to tie up a survival deal of its own. That's £1 billion to retain power for the next 24 months. Elsewhere, theBritish Navy's new - and only - aircraft carrier is preparing for its maiden sea trial voyage. This cost over £3bn. These are political decisions based on perceived priorities. I'll just leave that there.